
Product Filter Options

CatchBite 5 years ago updated by Tanya 4 years ago 11

I recently purchased AMZ scout and am very disappointed, sorry let me amend that statement to, "extremely disappointed". 

The filtering is extremely poor, A great improvement to the filter would be if we could filter out certain departments with tick boxes. ('ON' or 'OFF')-

Example:- There are only 27 'Departments' on Amazon it should be a relatively easy feature to add to the filter button. if I want to exclude "Digital music" or "Kindle Store" or "Womens Fashion"ETC Tick Box "OFF" and "ON" for whatever my niche is. At the moment the niche button spews out reams of stuff that I am not interested in. I feel that this feature could narrow down specific niches for all customers and it could be real benefit to you, and a clear advantage over your competitors when it comes down to finding a product suitable for a niche. 

I feel that any improvement to narrow down the niche search will be a great improvement. 

I hope you heard me!

Under review

I apologize for this inconvenience, 
I will forward your offer directly to our developers since we are interested in improving our service. 
Thank you for your help! 

Best regards,

Alexis AMZScout

Hopefully, developers will add the option "include", "exclude" categories. It's inconvenient spending time for closing all brands. 


Hello Nura.

Thank you for your opinion. I'll transfer it to our developers.


Alexis AMZScout

Since AMZscout Pro is an extension that works on top of amazon search pages and displays data for the search that you are currently on, you can use amazons department filter (on the left sidebar of the search page) and choose the combination of departments you need. The data in Extension Pro will update accordingly

Alright, can you please then help me to find that dep filter in this screen shot?



Please, open extension Pro ( round sign with number 4), then open filters ( in the bottom line) and choose the one or more you need.


Alexis AMZScout

Hi. I know where filters are. Here is the issue with including/excluding some categories or brands. I hope you understand me. 


Please, provide your email and link for the good you are looking for to support@amzscout.net
Thank you in advance!

Alexis AMZScout

and on the main page you have a check box filter where you can choose several departments